Longings and Desires

Do you ever yearn for days gone by or long for something or someone with a desire that comes from the depths of your soul? These longings are often prompted by memories and/or promises. Memories of little arms wrapped around your neck, “melting your heart” or the warmth of a love that grows stronger with each passing year. And, what about the promise that arouses anticipation like that of a small child waiting for Christmas? These longings and desires, along with promises and anticipation, are all part of a journey called life. Yet as sweet as life can be (or troubled), we must acknowledge it’s only temporary, we are just passing through. God created us with a longing for something more, more lasting. He fixed our eyes on heaven with an eternal promise written in our hearts and we are filled with wonder, joy and anticipation. Now what is this in which we long? What are these promises that we hold true? And, why do we feel a sense of awe and anticipation?

LONGINGS and desires …

The definition of longing is a strong feeling of need or desire for someone or something. Have you ever longed for a loved who has went home to be with the Lord? It is an emotional experience. The deeper the relationship or desire, the deeper the longing is felt. Looking at Calvary, can you picture the confusion and turmoil that the disciples of Jesus must have felt, longing for one more moment with Him? Yes, each of them had a relationship with Jesus and desperately wanted to see Him again. Then as they witnessed the Ascension, they finally understood, and their longings were filled with a hope and a purpose. Jesus was not abandoning them. He was going to prepare a place for them in Heaven and He promised to come again in clouds of glory. All will see, both the believer and the unbeliever will see His return. Blessed are those who are filled with longing for this Last Day. Are YOU ready?

“And said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven will come in the same way as you saw Him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11


Promises and Anticipation


A Time to Remember