A Time to Remember

Remembering those who died that we might live, what an honor! There are so many things that we take for granted; hot/cold running water, health, the air we breathe and the fact that someone, somewhere loves us. Let’s not take anything for granted. Memorial Day is more than a day off and it’s more than a picnic with family and friends; it a time of remembrance. A time to remember the soldiers who sacrificed their life and a time to pray for the family members who struggle with their absence. With humility, we need to feel the depth and significance of this time. Freedom is not free - someone paid the price! Our soldiers paid the price amidst the battlefields of war and Christ paid the ultimate price on Calvary. Let’s stand in honor and take time to remember.

FREEDOM, how can we repay such a debt?

We owe the fallen soldiers a debt we can never repay. Our freedom is priceless and I will be eternally grateful for the price they paid. But have you considered the freedom Christ has given us? What comes to my mind is: “Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe, sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.” The beauty of these words should create within you a desire to obey. And, the Lord wants obedience to be something that you would desire because He gave His life that you might be free from the debt of sin. Obeying God was never meant to be a chore or a mere duty but a joyous response to His love. There is always room to grow in love, to grow in respect and to pray with joy as we remember the cost of our freedoms.

“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine make request for you all with joy.” Philippians 1:3


Longings and Desires


Struggling with Remembrance