God’s Plan of Salvation - Part III

The Rapture or The Second Coming of Christ?

There is a distinct difference between these two events!

Prophesy is such an important subject and for us NOT to understand it can make it difficult to truly appreciate everything that God has done for us. There should be a need and a desire from us to acknowledge and learn prophesy, even if it can be somewhat puzzling or confusing at times.

One of the greatest misconceptions about prophecy is understanding the difference between the Rapture (also know as the Blessed Hope) and the Second Coming (also known as the Glorious Appearing). Most people see these as a single event— but it’s not — they are two distinct events, with distinct purposes, on God’s prophetic timeline.

Prayerfully, as we compare these two events, you can have a clearer understanding and want to share in the Blessed Hope that God has given us (See Titus 2:13-14). And be willing and ready to share that hope with others.

The 15 Differences Between the Rapture and the Glorious Appearing

The Rapture / The Blessed Hope

The Glorious Appearing

  1. Christ comes in the air for His own

  2. Rapture of all Christians

  3. Christians are taken to the Father’s house

  4. No judgment on earth

  5. Church taken to heaven

  6. Imminent-could happen any moment

  7. No signs

  8. For believers only

  9. A time of joy

  10. Before the “day of wrath” the Tribulation

  11. No mention of Satan

  12. The judgment seat of Christ

  13. Marriage Supper of the Lamb

  14. Only His own see Him

  15. Tribulation begins

  1. Christ comes with His own to earth

  2. No one raptured

  3. Resurrected saints do not see Father’s house

  4. Christ judges inhabitants of earth

  5. Christ sets up His kingdom on earth

  6. Cannot occur for at least 7 years

  7. Many signs for Christ’s physical return

  8. Affects all humanity

  9. A time of mourning

  10. Immediately after Tribulation (Matt. 24)

  11. Satan bound in abyss for 1,000 years

  12. No time or place for judgment seat

  13. His bride descends with Him

  14. Every eye will see Him

  15. 1,000 year kingdom of Christ begins

The Rapture (Blessed Hope) and the Second Coming of Christ (Glorious Appearing) are similar but separate events. Both involve Jesus returning. Both are end-times events. However, it is crucially important to recognize the differences.

In summary, the Rapture, or the Blessed Hope, is the return of Christ in the clouds to remove all believers from the earth before the time of God’s wrath. The Second Coming, or the Glorious Appearing, is the return of Christ with His Saints to defeat Satan (the Antichrist) and his world government. This will bring an end to the tribulation, which climaxes at the Battle of Armageddon.

... Jesus is coming soon ... Are YOU ready? ...

... Jesus is coming soon ... Are YOU ready? ...


God’s Plan of Salvation - Part II


God’s Plan of Salvation - Part IV