God’s Plan of Salvation - Part II

The Cross and The Church

God has a plan, and His plan is for each and every one of us to live with Him in glory each and every day, eternally. But how is that to happen with such a separation between Himself and His creation? How is reconciliation to be achieved? The answer is found in “God’s Plan of Salvation” that began in eternity before time, before time existed.

When God created time, He created the heavens and earth, which included mankind - Adam and Eve. God’s presence was continuously with them until they ate of the forbidden fruit thus creating man’s first sin. Sin was now a universal problem for all mankind.

Judgment against Satan’s deceit and man’s disobedience was swift but not without mercy. God’s pronouncement of judgment (See Genesis 3:14) foreshadowed the coming Messiah, which would restore His broken relationship with mankind.

Moving on through the timeline, we see Noah. Although he was not sinless, he was obedient and found favor in God’s eyes. He and his family were spared while all other flesh was destroyed in the flood. God’s promise to Noah, for his obedience, was to preserve mankind that extended to his descendants and to all creation (See Gensis 9: 9) and passed on through Israel.

Next, we know that Abraham was chosen by God to father His chosen people, Israel, and that Israel was to birth the future Messiah. This was prophesied through Daniel (See Chapter Daniel 9) and Israel was given 490 years, broken into two time periods, to accomplish this mission. Also, hundreds of years earlier the prophet Isaiah spoke of the future Messiah (See Isaiah 53) who was smitten by God, and His sufferings would be part of God’s Plan of Salvation.

The CROSS and the empty grave is where the heart of Christianity intersects. It is the core of the Gospel, and you will find “God’s Plan of Salvation” for all mankind through the person of Jesus Christ here.

The cross rests on the center of the timeline of history; its tragedy summons all sufferers, its power attracts all cynics, while its hope lures all searchers. Christianity rests on the certainty of Jesus’ resurrection as an occurrence in history as God did not allow His son to remain in the grave (See Psalm 16: 10). His resurrection demonstrates His victory over sin and death. (See Acts 2:24) And the Gospels shared the empty tomb and resurrection appearances as their central theme when they shared the Good News of salvation.

Notice on the timeline above, the cross is at the center. It is a dividing line between the Old and the New Testament. The Old Testament, prior to the cross, was focused on the law of Moses and the Ten commandments. While in the New Testament, after the cross, the focus is on grace and the forgiveness of sin.

However, the most important thing after the cross is that it ushered in the Church age with the arrival of the Holy Spirit. Through His grace He has promised us the power of His Spirit that we may have strength for our journey of faith, knowing that mankind could not do it on his own. (See Act 1: 8). The cross was God’s solution to mankind’s sin nature since the Holy Spirit was unable to live in anyone until after their sins were permanently and totally paid in full. Before the cross, the bible said the Holy Spirit would “fall on”, “come upon” or “rest” temporarily on a man (See Isaiah 11: 2 and Isaiah61: 1). But after the cross, the bible said the Spirit of the Lord could “live in” a person, permanently. (See Romans 8:11). The Spirits full ministry began on Pentecost after Jesus ascended to heaven (Acts 2: 1-4), which marks the opening of the last era of world history, that will end when Christ returns.

Before Jesus death, He promised that He and the Father would send “another helper”, the Holy Spirit. (See John 14: 16, 26, 15;26) Now in the Church age, the Holy Spirit can live in anyone who trusts and believes in the Gospel. The Gospel is simple. It is simply the life, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. The Holy Spirit comes into your life the minute you confess the following: 1) That you are a sinner; 2) That you trust in Jesus alone; and 3) That His death on the cross was payment for your sins in full - past, present and future. You have eternal life in Christ now. (See Ephesians 1: 13-14 and Acts 2: 38) You are now covered with the blood and righteousness of Jesus Christ; you are forgiven and are now joint heirs with Him who died and paid the penalty for sin. Salvation was accomplished through what Christ did in history and by what He continues to do in believers by the Holy Spirit.

This is the basis for our salvation, it is Jesus’ death on the cross (See Romans 3:25) and the righteousness He achieved for us in His active obedience. It is realized in our lives as Christ “lives in us.” (John 15: 4 and 17:26)

Christianity is the power of God in the soul of man.

Pastors Note:

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” This is a strong affirmation that Christ alone is the way to salvation.

In reading a survey, it said when people are looking for a church. a religion, or something to believe in - the primary thing they are looking for is “truth.” The truth is: We can never be good enough to enter heaven on our accord; we have offended our Creator, whose nature is to hate sin. There is no way to establish one’s own righteousness before God; (Job 15: 1-16) it simply cannot be done.

But against this background of human hopelessness, God provided a plan of salvation, through the person of Jesus, that gives mercy and provides the atonement that sin made necessary. God’s amazing grace is the focus of Biblical faith and His timeline; from Genesis to Revelation, it shines out with breathtaking glory.

If you have questions, I would love to talk with you and discuss the contents of this series. I am available by contacting my office at 352-748-3335.

Pastor Dick Wolters


God’s Plan of Salvation - Part 1


God’s Plan of Salvation - Part III