God’s Plan of Salvation - Part IV

The Rapture

As we look at “God’s Plan of Salvation” parts I and II, we see that God could not dwell within a person because of Adams sin nature that we inherited. The Bible makes it clear that God’s Holy Spirit does not and cannot dwell within the unbeliever, (See I Corinthians 15:22) for the Spirit comes only to those who acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord. (See Romans 8:9 “But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.”).

With mankind’s sin having been paid for by Jesus going to the cross, God’s Holy Spirit can now live in anyone who trusts in Him. We must trust and believe that the death of Jesus was payment for our sins, that His sacrifice paid for ALL sin and by believing in the life, death, burial and resurrection, which is the Gospel, we are not living by the flesh but by the Spirit of Christ who is now in us.

The Bible promises that the moment you confess that you are a sinner, and believe His Word, your sins are as far as the east is from the west. You now have the presence of the Holy Spirit within you and eternal life starting that moment. (See Psalm 103).

The time between the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (See Acts 2) and the time when the Holy Spirit completes His work on Earth is known as the Church Age. The Church Age is an incredible period on God’s timeline; it is a time, like no other, when the God of the universe actually lives “in” mankind.

In 33 A.D. we hear a reference to the Rapture. It was in the Upper Room with His disciples, as He was preparing them for His death, Jesus said, “If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself. (See John 14:3). Christ prepares a place in heaven for His own, while the Holy Spirit prepares His own on earth for their place in heaven. The work of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Jesus Christ through us. He acts to guide, teach and remind us of God’s grace through the Cross and provides all that we need for a foundation of faith. He bears witness of the Father and of Jesus Christ and is known as the Comforter, (See John 16:7). Yes, Jesus had to depart for a season, however, He sent the Holy Spirit to calm our fears and fill us with hope as we await His return.

And there will come a time when the Holy Spirit will finish His work on Earth and depart. Since the Holy Spirit resides permanently within all Christians - when the Holy Spirit departs — all true Christians will leave with Him.

It has been 2,000 years that Christians have been waiting for the Lord to fulfil His promise to come back and to take us to be where He is. When this happens, it will happen abruptly with the physical disappearance of millions of Christians. This is known as the Rapture of the Church. (See I Thessalonians 4: 15-17). There is nothing that needs to take place, according to God’s timeline, before the church is raptured and taken to be with the Lord in the air. (See I Corinthians 15: 51-54). These two scriptures are inspiring. It is not a dream; it is going to happen. We just don’t know when.

More people, such as the news media, should be talking about this future event. Why is the church and everyone silent on this? The reality is that, indeed, the rapture could happen at any moment. How many of you would be okay if the rapture happened today, right now? It’s something that we ought to wake up and think about every day; yes, it could be today. And should it not impact the way that we live? The rapture of the church; it’s when you and I will be taken to be with Jesus, as He promised, forever and ever; what a glorious thought.

The Rapture, is the “Greatest Hope of all Times”. What does that mean? Our greatest hope is the return of Jesus Christ; to live and to reign with Him forever and ever more. Once we are raptured, there will never be a time in which we will be separated from Jesus again.

What the Bible says about the return of Jesus is so compelling. Even Jesus, Himself, took the time to tell us of it. (See John 14:3). From the moment Jesus ascended into heaven, He has been preparing a place for us. Just think! If our Father, with Jesus by His side and the Holy Spirit, created everything in six days - can you imagine what this place He has been preparing for us, for over 2000 years, will look like? Our minds cannot even begin to image the glory and the beauty of our future home with Christ.

The return of Jesus is somewhat confusing for some. The return of Jesus takes place in two phases, which is very important to understand.

  • Phase I will take place at the rapture of the church, which is entitled the “Blessed Hope” and is next on God’s timetable. Nothing further as far as prophetic events need to occur. Note that Jesus does not physically set foot on earth; He will come in the clouds, and He will call us, His church, to be taken up to meet Him in the air.

  • Phase II is when Jesus physically returns to earth, which is seven years after the rapture. At this time, when Jesus physically descends to earth, His feet will rest on the Mount of Olives, which is in Jerusalem - His Holy city. That is the exact place from which He ascended into heaven 2,000 years ago. And we as Christians, His saints, will return with His during this phase as He returns to the Mount of Olives.

The time between phase I and phase II is seven years. During that seven-year period, all Christians will be in heaven, with Jesus, experiencing these two scheduled events mentioned in the Bible through prophecy.

The first thing is the “Judgment Seat of Christ” (See Romans 14: 10; 2 Corinthians 5: 10). Will we be judged for our sin? Absolutely not - Jesus died for our sins and they are washed away. Although Christians have their sins forgiven and will never suffer the punishment of hell (Romans 6: 23), we will all nonetheless stand before Christ at the Day of Judgment. It will be a time of examination and a time of reward (See I Corinthians 3: 12-15). Jesus will inspect our works: What did we do with God given resources? How faithful were we? Were our motives pure? Did we neglect opportunities to serve the Lord? As a result of this judgment, our rewards will be determined. The Bible calls these rewards “crowns”.

After we receive our crowns, we will participate in the “Marriage Supper of the Lamb.” This is a marriage feast. A beautiful expression of love - Jesus, as the Bridegroom, and the church, as the bride (See Ephesians 5: 22-32). It is true intimacy with God. All of God’s work and Plan of Salvation for mankind has been reconciled with His people, His children, His church, so that we can have that forever relationship with Him. From this point on, wherever Jesus is, we will be with Him.

It is important to note that the Second Coming of Christ is the next event after the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. When Christ returns to earth with His bride, the church, He will reign for a thousand years, and this is called the Millennium.

Question: What is taking place on earth during the seven years we are in heaven with Christ? The people left on earth, after the Rapture, are experiencing the Tribulation. This is the topic for Part IV of God’s Plan of Salvation for all mankind through the person of Jesus Christ.


God’s Plan of Salvation - Part III


God’s Plan of Salvation - Part V