God’s Plan of Salvation - Part V

The Tribulation - The First 3 1/2 years

We have heard about creation with Adam and Eve, Noah and the flood, along with Israel and the Prophets. Then we see the cross - the center of His timeline - the central theme in God’s Plan of Salvation for all mankind through the person of Jesus Chris. Presently we are in the Church Age and according to prophesy there is nothing left to occur before the Rapture of the Church happens.

We Christians are living in the last days before the terrible time of the Tribulation; and, we know through prophecy, that Christ is going to return soon. He will return in a two-step process: 1. The Rapture of the Church and 2. His Second Coming. After the Rapture and before His Second Coming, God will pour out His judgment on those remaining here on earth. He will cause many natural disasters and will allow evil to spread without restraint. In the absence of the Holy Spirit, to hold evil at bay, oppression and unprecedented havoc will begin and there is nothing we can do to prevent this from happening.

This time is known as the Tribulation. It is a seven-year period that will complete the prophecy of 490 years allotted Israel to usher in the Messiah (See Daniel 9). These last seven years are broken into two 3 1/2-year periods.

Recapping the prophecy in Daniel 9 — 483 years has elapsed since the clock started ticking in 444 B.C. when Nehemiah was given the authority to rebuild the temple walls and ended in 33 A.D. when Jesus entered into the city of Jerusalem to be crucified. Based on this prophecy, there are 7 remaining years that need to be fulfilled to usher in the Messiah, which will be carried forward to the time of tribulation.

The Tribulation period is neatly divided into two 3 1/2-year periods. Each period has significant events that are described in much detail. The first half starts shortly after the Rapture of the church and begins with a peace treaty involving ten nations from the Roman Empire (See Daniel 9:27), which says he (the antichrist) will make a covenant with many for years. Ten kings will arise at this time.

First 3 1/2 Year Period: The impact on the world with so many people disappearing due to the Rapture leaves the world confused and craving for a leader. So, it’s understandable that the peace treaty that marks the beginning of the first half of the Tribulation is put together by a person who bursts on the scene as a great and marvelous leader.

Daniel 9: 24 and 26; Daniel 11: 23; II Thessalonians 2: 3-4 gives a good introduction and overview of the new world leader, the antichrist. He is deceptive, a man of lawlessness, exalts himself and ultimately proclaims to be God himself. Daniel 8:24 describes this leader as insolent and skilled in the art of intrigue. Revelation 6:1 says a crown was given to him and he went out conquering and to conquer. After a covenant is made with him (See Daniel 11:23), he will practice deception and his deception will become readily apparent; he will avoid and bypass the treaty’s claims and he will refuse to comply with terms and conditions. In general, he fails to honor the provisions of the agreement. Shortly after these blatant deceptions are exposed, two witnesses will appear on the scene. They will be dressed in sackcloth and will be clothed in the power of God. Note: Sackcloth was used for times of mourning and distress (See Job 16:15; Esther 4:1-3; Genesis 37:34; 2 Samuel 3:31) and they are mourning over the judgment message they are preaching. Also, they are mourning for the sins of the nation and the judgment that will result. Most importantly, they are in direct opposition to the new world leader, the antichrist.

Revelation 11:3 says the two miracle working witnesses, who were sent by God and protected by God, will oversee the rebuilding of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. They will preach for 3 1/2-years, serving as the conscience of the world, while being hated by most of the people. During this time period, the two witnesses will call 100% of all Jews from around the world to return to their homeland, Israel, while using their power to shut up the sky, to turn waters to blood and to smite the earth with plagues as often as they desired. (See Revelation 11:6).

At this point, another 144,000 witnesses, all of Jewish descent, will be chosen and also protected by God. Their mission will be to preach the Gospel and lead many to Christ. They will also be in opposition to the antichrist, witnessing to the world about their need for a Messiah. An interesting side note is that these additional 144,000 will be male virgins, not being defiled by woman, (See Revelation 7:4, 14:4) and who have received a special calling from the Lord - with 12,000 being called from each of the twelve tribes of Israel.

Another characteristic of the first 3 1/2-year period is martyrdom. The new world leader will cause millions to be martyred because the masses will not go along with the newly installed policies and programs. Revelation 7: 9, 14 says a great multitude will be slain. The new world leader has gained more and more power, and the two witnesses are becoming more and more problematic for him.

Mid Period: The bible records an incredible sequence of events, which takes place in the middle of the 7-year period. Revelation 13:12 tells us the new world leader dies of a fatal head wound. Next in Revelation 12:9 we are told that Satan who deceives the whole world was cast down to earth from his heavenly position. Satan, the devil, has come down with great wrath knowing that he has only a short time to accomplish his own mission. Since Satan is a “spirit”, he needs a body to indwell.; so, he then enters into the body of the world leader. The world leader, who was slain three days earlier, appears to imitate the death and resurrection of Jesus when Satan causes him to come alive. The world leader now boldly proclaims to be the awaited Messiah. Revelation 13:3 says his fatal wound was healed and the whole world looks on in amazement.

At this point the Jews asked the resurrected world leader to come to the temple and make his claim as the Messiah. This period initiates the GREAT TRIBULATION, also called the day of the Lord, and continues with very ominous events unlike anything that has ever happened before.



God’s Plan of Salvation - Part IV


God’s Plan of Salvation - Part VI