God’s Plan of Salvation - Part VI

The Great Tribulation

The Tribulation is based on the prophecy of Daniel (See Daniel 9) and there are 7 remaining years that need to be fulfilled by Israel to usher in the Messiah, which will be carried forward to the time of tribulation. The word “tribulation” means severe trial or suffering, and the Great Tribulation is a time of God’s judgment for man’s rebellion. It is Christ Himself who used the phrase “Great Tribulation” with reference to the last half of the Tribulation Period (See Matthew 24:15), which is where we are on the timeline for God’s Plan of Salvation for all mankind through the person of Jesus Christ.

During the first 3 1/2 years of the tribulation a new world leader emerges onto the world scene. He will initiate a 7-year treaty with the nations and Israel (See Daniel 9:27). He won’t be recognized as the anti-Christ at the time but will be hailed as a great world leader and peace maker.

This time of peace that begins during the first 31/2 years will be brief. Paul’s words will echo true, “While people are saying, ‘peace and safety’ destruction will come upon the suddenly” (See I Thessalonians 5:3). In other words, just as people are believing world peace has finally been achieved, they’ll discover that they are in the early stages of what the Lord has called the worst time of death and destruction the world has ever seen.

When the world leader receives a fatal head wound, he is indwelt by Satan and declares Himself to be God. According to II Thessalonians 2:4, this is when the world leader officially becomes the anti-Christ, and marks the beginning of the Great Tribulations, also called the Day of the Lord. Very ominous events unlike anything that has ever happened before begins now.

3 ½ years into the Tribulation, the antichrist will attack Jerusalem and defile the newly built temple. This event is described in the Old Testament by Daniel and by Jesus in the New Testament; they say that when they see the world leader in the temple beware. Matthew 24:15 says when you see the abomination of desolation standing in the Holy Place, the inhabitants around Jerusalem are instructed to flee to the mountains because here shall be a great tribulation such has not happened from the beginning of the world till now, nor ever shall. This blunt warning is certainly justified as the bible says 2/3 of all Jews will be killed in one day. (See Chart on God’s Final Judgment)

Last 3 1/2 Year Period: The first order of business for the world leader is to rid the world of the two witnesses. These two witnesses were shining the light of truth with the authority of God, and he has been powerless to stop them. However, the world leader, now indwelled and controlled by Satan himself, has the wherewithal and ability to destroy them. It is time to eliminate their presence; they have been troublesome for 3 1/2 years, warning the world of God’s impending judgement; using God’s authority to shut up the sky, to turn waters into blood, and to smite the earth with plagues of all kinds (See Revelation 11:6); they have been unstoppable until now.

As the fulness of their message was delivered, God allowed the world leader to wage war against them, killing them. Revelation 11:10 says those who dwell on the earth shall rejoice and make merry because they had tormented their lives with many plagues. The world leader and his supporters rejoiced in their deaths; they even sent gifts to one another in celebration as the witnesses lie dead in the streets of the Holy City of Israel, Jerusalem. However, their merriment was short lived. After their public humiliation and death, Revelations 11:11 tells us “The breath of life from God” entered, thus bringing them back to life with the same resurrection power that brought Jesus back from the dead. God had called them home; they had fulfilled their calling and testimony.

The world leader, the antichrist, was succeeding in popularity and was boldly proclaiming himself to be the awaited Messiah and with the two witnesses eliminated he was ready to reign with power. However, the Jews are not yet convinced of his messianic credentials. They made a request that he come to the newly built Jewish temple in Jerusalem. He was to make his claim to be the Messiah.

As said earlier, this event is described in the Old Testament by Daniel and, again, by Jesus in the New Testament, saying “when they see the world leader in the temple - Beware!” Matthew 24:15 says “when you see the abomination of desolation standing in the Holy Place flee to the mountains because two thirds of all the Jews will be killed in one single day. Zechariah 13:8 says two parts will be cut off, but one part will be left.

One third of the Jew are allowed to escape from the antichrist. They will flee to Bozrah, an area southeast of the Dead Sea. There they will be protected from the antichrist for the remaining 3 1/2 years of the tribulation. Revelation 11 further explains that the women, which represents Israel, the Jews, will flee into the wilderness prepared by God. There she will be nourished for 3 1/2 years.

During this final 3 1/2-year period, Satan, through the antichrist will have full control. Revelations 13:5 says, “and there was given him an authority for 42 months.” Revelation 9:6 says that this is also the time when God’s wrath will fall upon the earth. In those days men shall seek death but shall not find it; they will long to die, and death flees from them. It also says the time has come for the antichrist and the false prophet, who is the antichrist’s spokesman, to set up their system of world control. Revelation 13:15 also says that he causes all to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. No one can buy, sell or trade unless you have the mark, the number of man 666. This is known as the mark of the beast.

The penalty for receiving the mark of the beast is great. Revelation 14:9-11 says, “If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury.” They will be tormented forever and ever, and they will have no rest day and night. Receiving the mark of the beast is a life-or-death decision, literally, both on a physical and spiritual level.

* * * PASTOR’S NOTE * * *

Satan, wanting to be like God himself, mimics the Holy Trinity. This blasphemous unholy trio will control every aspect of society during the Great Tribulation and will seek to steal God’s glory.

God is a triune God, consisting of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity is characterized by truth, love and pure holiness.

  1. God is our Father, the creator, the ruler and the preserver of all things from the beginning of time through eternity.

  2. Jesus is the Son of God, our savior and redeemer; He came to save us from our sins and to provide an example for us to follow.

  3. The Holy Spirit is our promised “helper”; He transforms us into the image of Christ by convicting us and leading us to repentance.

Satan’s unholy trinity consists of Satan himself, the Beast, also known as the Antichrist, and the False Prophet. They are characterized by deception, hatred and unadulterated evil.

  1. The Beast/Antichrist is a world leader who will unite the world under one world government and one world religion.

  2. The False Prophet will cause the world to worship the beast/antichrist as God and will implement the “Mark of the Beast”, acting on authority from Satan (See Rev 13:12).

  3. Satan, himself, will instigate all the terrible evil of the Tribulation period.

This seven-year period of tribulation ends with the Battle of Armageddon. (See Revelations 16:16) The antichrist, who is the world leader indwelled by Satan, has gathered his armies to fight against God. During this time of hell on earth, those people who have disappeared at the Rapture are in heaven; having been spared God’s wrath.

Those raptured, who have been faithful to God, are being rewarded. They are being judged, not for their sins, but rather judgment for possible rewards for being used by God in His service, for Him and to others, as Christians (See I Corinthians 3:13-14). After this judgement and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, they return with Jesus to the earth. This is the much discussed “Second Coming” where He quickly ends Satan’s rule. Revelation 19:11 says heaven opened and behold a white horse and He who sat upon it is called Faithful and True.


God’s Plan of Salvation - Part V


God’s Plan of Salvation - Part VII