Godly Traits of a Father

LOVING begins with sharing words of love and compassion.

It is important that a father express affection for his child, it will foster a sense of security knowing that they are loved. It will further make them feel comfortable in sharing their innermost thoughts and feelings, creating a safe space for communication. Children were made this way; we were made this way. God created us in His image so that He could pour out His love and we were created to love Him in return. As humans made in God’s image we desire to love and be loved. A voluntary love, not forced and not mechanical, buy genuine love. Our love, our prayers are a form of communication, which talks to the Fathers heart and He longs to communicate with us. He has compassion for us as His children and He desires a relationship. Get involved, be co-labors with the Lord and show love and compassion towards those less fortunate. Be the hands and feet in a lost and hurting world; join in the mystery of God’s love and be blessed to be a blessing to others, especially your children. And fathers, remember to pray - pray without ceasing. Talk to your Father in Heaven and pray with your children. Pray with them and pray FOR them, strengthening your relationship and nurturing genuine love through words of love and compassion.

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or like a clanging cymbal.” 1 Corinthians 13:1

TEACHING begins with wisdom, truth and encouragement.

Earthly fathers desire to protect and to teach their children; they strive to encourage good behaviors and social norms; and, they are inclined to shower their children with good gifts. All these things are important and our Heavenly Father is waiting to offer wisdom as each plays a vital role in shaping how our children see the world, understanding right from wrong. Children can have much success at a tender age, the branch is easily bent, and a father is wise to utilize this time to encourage the pursuit of wisdom, a precious gift from God. Fathers should not rely on the school or the church to teach his child, they are meant only as a supplement. God’s intention for earthly fathers is to lay a foundation built on His truth and to set his child’s feet on the path of righteousness for His name’s sake. You love your child, therefore give him direction, teach them as you nurture their needs, hurts, desires, dreams and problems. Direct and teach them with grace and wisdom; encourage them, in truth, to chose their direction in life wisely, saying “imitate me as I am imitating Christ”.

“I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble. Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; keep her, for she is your life.” Proverbs 4:11-13

DISCIPLINE includes correction and provides forgiveness.

The root word of “discipline” is to teach and to instruct. With that being said, God’s Word should be taught and placed in the heart of each child and fathers have a responsibility to live what they teach. Our Heavenly Father is the perfect model, and fathers need to stay in close contact with Him. We know our children will cause mistakes, make poor choices and disobey; they are human, and God understands this. Consequently, discipline is required. Earthly fathers, are to be like our Heavenly Father - patient, loving and forgiving while we struggle to learn. We know that without discipline the outcomes can be far more severe than the discipline itself. If a child is insistent on heading down a harmful path the most loving thing a father can do is to correct the child; it would be unloving to not provide discipline and structured guidance. God teaches fathers to meet their children whey they are, right in the middle of their mess; like the prodigal son, welcoming them back home with open arms and forgiveness. Such a cause for celebration because no matter what we do, or don’t do, God loves us and is willing to forgive us. Yes, discipline is momentarily unpleasant but it brings about long-term benefits, lasting an eternity.

“But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran to his son (with forgiveness), and threw his arms round him and kissed him “ Luke 15: 20

“If you endure discipline, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not discipline?” Hebrew 12:7


God’s Model for Fatherhood


The Truth About God’s Angels - Part 2