Re-Opening Guidelines

Oxford UMC will continue to livestream our 11:00 A.M. worship service for those who wish to remain at home during this time.

However, the following changes must take place as we begin returning to regular Sunday Morning Worship and we ask that you take time to read the information provided below. Please observe these regulations for the protection and safety of all our church family and friends.

  • Reservations Will Be Required - Please call the church office (352)748-3335 to inform them of your intention to attend along with the number of people in your party. This will allow the ushers to safely seat you in accordance with CDC guidelines.

  • Social Distancing - Social distancing will be practiced. Remain six feet apart. Only family members within the same household may sit together.

  • Locked Doors - Please enter through the main doors. All other doors will be locked. You may exit through any door. Main doors will be locked during church services, please ring bell for entry.

  • Face Masks - We ask that you wear a face mask while in the building. Hand sanitizer will be available. Face masks will be available to those who forgot to bring them. Please see the assigned person to acquire a mask.

  • Offertory Baskets - Offertory baskets will not be passed. Collection baskets will be on the table in the narthex. Please drop your offertory on your way into the sanctuary or mail directly to the church office.

  • Communion - Individual communion cups containing the wafer and juice will be available for you to pick-up prior to entering the sanctuary. Empty containers will be collected after the service by the ushers.

  • Hymnals - Hymnals and all other printed materials have been removed from the sanctuary.

  • Music - Music is limited to the music director. The choir will not be singing during this time. Special music will be allowed from the alter area.

  • Bulletins - Bulletins will not be printed. Please refer to our website ( for a weekly bulletin.

  • Stewardship - We are so very thankful for our generous congregation members who help keep Oxford UMC afloat. We are truly blessed.

Thank you for your patience and prayers during this most unusual time. Your support has been a testimony to the whole community of the grace and strength of our faith. May the Lord bless each of you abundantly.

Pastor Dick Wolters & UMC Church Council


A Prayer of transformation
